- Capitalism is the opposite of true art.
- The capitalist systems replace people’s true need of freedom of creating and genuine happiness.
- False needs are cultivated in people by culture industries.
- Popular music (a.k.a Pop Music) is a product of commodities sold to audiences believing it’s the true creation.
- Different people believe in different things, therefore process emotions differently.
- Audiences are free to resist the power of large companies.
- ‘Indie’ genre.
- Major companies are becoming indie as a result.
- People need a ‘star’- not a real person; just an image.
- “Semi-mythological beings”
- “Extraordinary + ordinary at the same time.
- Audiences will want to continue to see the false being.
- Strive to buy merchandise etc.
- There are two ways to create an artist image:
- Organic ideology of creativity
- Natural- company nurtures the artist and strives to cultivate fame using a long term process.
- Such artists are usually considered to have a genuine interest in the creation of music and fans.
- Synthetic ideology of creativity
- Synthetics- the company constructs such artists to produce fame and money in a short term process.
- K-Pop is considered to be mostly made up of such companies, however, the Korean music industry has many other factors in addition to just capitalist money making groups.
- Artists in this category are generally more concerned about making as much money as possible.
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