Filming Day 1


I filmed today at the Council House as I was promised the free space for an hour. Everything had gone smoothly, however, I did have some trouble arriving there on time as I had not prepared for tram timings which were delayed due to works, and also unexpected accidents which happened and thus made me fifteen minutes late. Despite this, the filming had gone smoothly and we actually finished before schedule, getting more shots than I perhaps actually need.

I first setup the tripod in order to establish the position of it for this shot:

Although I filmed each shot in sequence and this shot wasn't the first I filmed, I set the tripod up in advance so I am able to move on from each shot efficiently.

The first shot I filmed was this:

The shot was probably the most difficult to produce as I had not prepared enough and had not brought a stabiliser with me so I had to walk around Sophie very slowly in order to achieve as less jitter as possible. I think it went successfully, especially since I won't be using a lot of this shot so any jitters could be corrected or go unnoticed.

Shot number two was the first one I introduced with the tripod; I tried to achieve symmetry with the staircase, however, it was slightly difficult since the the statue and arch is directly in the middle (the carpet was measured) but the stairway is slightly favouring one side.

After the third shot I mostly improvised with what I wanted, so with the help of Sophie, we produced a variety of different shots, including a close up:

Long shot:

Canted angle:

Extreme long shot:

Worm’s eye view:


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