Western Digipack Mock-Up with Pictures From the Internet

Below is an image of the digipack design I produced with the aid of photos from the internet:

I used an actual image of Sunmi to present her on the right fold out panel (bottom right and middle panels are front and back). Donia will be on the top right and Sophie on the top left. Please note the style of the image; I want Sua (Sunmi)  and Donia to look at the camera but I want Sophie to look away. This is because I want the audience to relate more to the 'real life' characters than to Sophie, a dream/ non existent character. When you star einto someone's yes for a prolonged amount of time, you are put in a different state of conciousness than you normally would be if you say, glance past someone. I want my audience to feel a personal connection to Sua, not Sophie. This should also reflect the idea that we can fall out of touch with reality just as easily as we can surpress imagination (which I Sophie's role in the music video). As well as this, repeated images of the artist contributes to the 'star image' which I need to credate in order to successfully promote an artist.

I also used the same image and manipulation for the front cover of the digipack (bottom right) as I did for my magazine advert. This is to create synergy between the two mediums. As well as this, for the time being, I used random letters to mark where the track list will be. This is going to be updated when I have a confirmed tracklist up on my blog. As you can see, I also want my CD to match the graphics behind it because I think that this produces a professional and clean quality. 

Some things I need to think about when making my actual digipack:
  • Spine (add barcode, artist's name?)
  • Possibly making text smaller? At the moment, this covers what would be Sua's face and takes away from the idea that I want to create a star image. I should not have anything obstructing the view of her eyes.
  • I should put copyright details and credits on the back panel.

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