

Our filming session today lasted just over two hours and went as follows:

09:15 Arrive at media department ready for filming, collect camera, equipment, ensure all actors are available and ready. while Ellie, and Sophie changed, our group set up the classroom to look more accurate to the set in the music video. We arranged props (papers, notebooks etc) and ensured that I will be within shot at all times necessary as the chair I sat on increased my height.

09:30 Begin filming the shots in which child Jessie is bullied by the four girls within the classroom.

11:00 Film remaining shot that contain Sophie, Ellie, Vicky, and I. This was the locker shot at the beginning of the segment:


It was particularly difficult to do as the camera movement is a slow tracking pan around the girls and back round to me. Megan and I filmed a test shot to ensure that all angles were as accurate as possible, then we filmed the actual shot which was less shaky.

11:15 Allowed time for Chloe to get ready for her single shots as adult Jessie and the teacher. I remained available to help in filming for about ten minutes after this before I had to got to my next lesson.

Tasks remaining:

  1. Edit the footage and add track.

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