Track: 무제 (Untitled, 2014)
Artist: G- Dragon (Kwon Jiyong)
Director: Han Sa Min
Release Date: 8th June 2017
Length of video: 3:48
Number of shots: 1
Average length of shot: 3:48
Kwon Jiyong's music video for 'Untitled 2014' was shot entirely in a single hour which makes it all the more impressive when considering that the entire music video is one long take of him stumbling throughout beautiful scenery which the director intended to change behind him. Originally, Han Sa Min had produced sets ready for a two to three day shooting, and the music video was to be consisting of the "best cuts" while the scenery changed behind Kwon (as in the final music video, just with separate shots and cuts throughout), however, the director's and Kwon's opinion had changed while on set.
Due to the nature of this music video, I have decided to not include the 30 second shot by shot analysis, therefore, I will analyse 30 seconds of the video from the first chorus.
This sequence seems to transition through colours and landscapes- the set changing rather than the shot which leaves a certain type of emotional effect on the audience. A reason for which such colour transitions may have occurred is due to the emotional weight of the lyrics.

An example is the following four frames throughout which the blue colour completely desaturates to black and white. The frames occupy the first half of the chorus section of the song:
"(Please, just once, if I can see you, I am okay with losing everything I have)"

"꿈에서라도 너를 만나
다시 사랑하기를"
다시 사랑하기를"
While Kwon Jiyong moves aimlessly through the scenery, the camera 'floats' backwards in a smooth motion, which seems to soften the physical appearance of the video.
Smoke is also used to create the illusion of clouds around Kwon's face to add to the verisimilitude of a dream-like state.

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